Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Hated Him for Being So
(my own composition)

He stands as basket player as tall
He’s turning 18 yet still in high school
He has a lot of friends to call
But most of them are like he-fool!
And I hated him for being so.

He is sent to school everyday
But in a gambling house he prefer to stay
Together with his friends most of the day
Forget school just to have fun and play.
And I hated him for being so.

He is as if born in a bed of roses
On his mind is nothing but chocolate kisses
While his mom is busy washing dishes
He's on the streets busy watching those who passes
And I hated him for being so.

His mind had gone somewhere
He’s grown up but the future’s not his care
He’d been a burden and gets tougher
Always been scolded but he never listens-never!
And I hated him for being so!
  Don't dare to be stupid or else the powerpuff girls will spoof you away!:)

This is a picture of me and my sister.This is the very picture of mine were we look very close to each other. I did not mean we're not close. We are close but not that really close.:)
Anyways, this is my sister. She is the second to the eldest of the family. She's a good sister but sometimes a lazy one..:)You can not question f we're really sisters because the faces can tell..:)
This picture was taken when we attended a Christmas party last year.
This is a picture of me and a K! student named Dave Emmanuel Sansan. This boy is an intelligent one.He keeps on asking you something and don't stop not until he is satisfied with your answer. And after you answer his never ending questions, he will tell you about something that he has read perhaps, or he has learned from home,or even what he had seen outside.He tells about things that are sometimes unsual to you.
Dave is also a giving child. He shares his snacks and foods and even give his teachers some.
That 's  how terrible this small kid is..:)

There they go!!!
They are my cute little nephew and niece...!!!!
I am looking forward seeing them soon as well as their mother!!I wanted to hug them and play with them.!
By the bye, the girl is named ALEZANDRIA while the boy is PAVEL ANTON or just PAVEL...:)
Alezandria is about 2 years old the following months and Pavel will be 1 year old 2 months after Alezandria's bday!! I really wish to experience taking care of them before they will get old????hahahaha....
Honestly, I really wanted to see them as soon as possible..:)

Monday, January 10, 2011

This is a photo during our first few weeks being a student teacher at K1. The students are from the afternoon session. This is during our free time.
This is a photo of the K1 students- a.m. and p.m. session- together with the Student teachers and our beloved mentor- Mr. John Michael Estela. This is taken during our last week stay in ILS being a Student Teacher.