Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Hated Him for Being So
(my own composition)

He stands as basket player as tall
He’s turning 18 yet still in high school
He has a lot of friends to call
But most of them are like he-fool!
And I hated him for being so.

He is sent to school everyday
But in a gambling house he prefer to stay
Together with his friends most of the day
Forget school just to have fun and play.
And I hated him for being so.

He is as if born in a bed of roses
On his mind is nothing but chocolate kisses
While his mom is busy washing dishes
He's on the streets busy watching those who passes
And I hated him for being so.

His mind had gone somewhere
He’s grown up but the future’s not his care
He’d been a burden and gets tougher
Always been scolded but he never listens-never!
And I hated him for being so!


  1. heheheheh,,..thankz lawas...
    thanks to my younger brother who inspired me to make this poem...hahahha

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. younger brother kha??? owz?? heheheh.. bag.o na dah!! hehehe

  4. uu oizz...halata keu sa ako poem oohhh!!!
